Tutoring is for elementary children between grades 1st through 4th who need assistance in reading and/or math. Kids will have one-to-one instruction with a trained tutor. Students gain confidence and skills through learning games, reading time, and skill-focused activities. Interested participants need to fill out and return the child tutoring application form below to the Family Literacy Center.
Family Literacy Center Child Tutoring Program
located at the Marguerite deAngeli Library
921 W. Nepessing Street
Lapeer, MI 48446
All sessions are held on Tuesdays from 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm.
January 7th
January 14th
January 21st
February 4th
February 11th
February 18th
To apply, fill out and return the Child Tutoring Application to the Family Literacy Center.
Spaces are limited. Registration is based on service area, need, and availability. Applications are being accepted for the Winter 2025 session and are due by Monday, January 6th.
Child Tutoring Applications can be returned to:
P.O. Box 485, Lapeer, MI 48464
or emailed to
Accepted participants are required to attend a parent-student orientation before child tutoring. The orientation is at FLC on January 6th at 5:15pm. Please bring your child with you to the orientation.
To find out more information:​
Call the Family Literacy Center at (810) 664-2737.
Email Family Programs at

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